Updates and Revision History
The latest version of the Pathloss 6 program can be downloaded using the link in your license email or by entering your serial number in the space below and clicking Download.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.59
Version 6.00.59 - January 16, 2025
- Diffraction Loss will now be calculated automatically for K=4/3 when working in the Transmission Analysis module. This will be enabled automatically for new links created manually or with automatic design operations. Existing link files will not be affected, but the automatic calculation can be enabled from the calculation options or by calculating the diffraction loss from the Transmission Analysis window. Entering a diffraction loss manually will disable the automatic recalculation.
- Local Studies "Line of Sight" display criteria now considers any clutter on the path when determining LOS. A profile is considered blocked if the mobile antenna height is lower than the clutter height at the end point of the profile.
- Added menu and toolbar commands to generate an elevation backdrop using the data in Clutter 2. This is useful to visualize building and clutter heights if Clutter 2 is configured as a surface model such as Lidar.
- Added option to treat missing elevation data as sea level. This can be used when working on open water where no data is available. This option can be found in any of the profile generation options dialogs. (Configure - Options - Program Options then Profile Generation.)
- Added import feature for Ellipse *.mlink files
- Fixed bug that could cause climate data files to become inaccessible until the program is restarted.
- Added command enablers for backdrop generation menu and toolbar controls.
- Spelling and language fixes.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.58
Version 6.00.58 - December 17, 2024
- Added Utility for correcting links in the network that are associated with inaccessible Link Files (pl5, pl6, plz). Click Files - Verify Link File Associations from the main menu. The dialog will report any link files that could not be found and allow you to select a folder under which to search for these files. The network file associations will be updated with the new path if the files are found.
- Added the option to save the network using relative link path names. There is now a togglable menu item: Files - Use Relative Link Paths. When this option is enabled, the network .gr6 file will store the link file locations using a file path relative to itself. The resulting network file and link files can then be moved as a group without breaking link associations. This also facilitates operation on sharing services like One Drive which replicate the shared folder for each user.
- The Verify Link File Associations utility can also be used to view the relative paths that will be used when saving the network with the Use Relative Link Paths option enabled.
- Correction to Carrier Aggregation rain calculation.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.57
Version 6.00.57 - December 11, 2024
- Carrier Aggregation algorithm was incorrectly applying rain outage leading to lower reported performance.
- Removed calculation options and rain information panel from the Carrier Aggregation dialog box. Rain is now always considered and is included in the summary display and combination times.
- Improved formatting of Carrier Aggregation report.
- Fixed bug that could cause the Local Study area to be offset when using Site Coordinates in a datum other than WGS84.
- Shapefile Export: Study polygon coordinates are now referenced to the Site Coordinates datum. The datum name is also displayed in the export dialog.
- Default vector line definition width set to 2.0.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.56
Version 6.00.56 - December 2, 2024
- Updated to NLCD2023 clutter data for CONUS and NLCD2016 for Alaska. These are used in the Automatic Terrain Download feature.
- Export network to ESRI Shapefile operation reintroduced and updated to use the GDAL library.
- Greatly improved algorithm for exporting Local and Area Studies as vector polygons.
- Vector imports to the GIS system now handle Multipolygon features.
- Vector files in the GIS system with a Height Field will now correctly consider the units column for that file when generating profiles.
- Vector files were not being properly released after loading in to the GIS system.
- Fixed bug causing link lines to be drawn incorrectly on the map backdrop if the Site Coordinates tab is set to a datum other than WGS84.
- Change to how "Limit number of Links per Site" works in the Create PTP Link Operation. The best N links per site are now retained even if this causes some sites to have more than N links.
- Corrected bug in Local and Area Studies that could cause single cell distortion.
- Updated Curl library.
- Fixed memory leak in ODBC operation.
- Fixed missing TX LOSS and RX LOSS in ODBC operation.
- Language and spelling corrections.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.55
Version 6.00.55 - October 22, 2024
- The coordinates of the selected point on a profile in the Link Window are now plotted on the Network display. Clicking on the profile in the Terrain Data, Antenna Heights, Reflections, or Diffraction Module will select that point on the profile and the location will be marked on the network map including the coordinates in decimal degrees.
- Link lines in the network display are now drawn as curves following the great circle arc when using the tiled map backdrop.
- Fixed memory leak in the profile drawing routine that would eventually cause a crash. This was especially likely on paths with detailed clutter.
- Export Links to version 5 format will now export passive links as individual .pl5 files for each segment. The passive link can be recreated in Pathloss 5 from these files.
- Antenna Combination Dialog: Fixed OK and Cancel button not appearing in some cases.
- Fixed antenna discrimination bug when calculating interference cases with passive repeaters.
- Fixed XPIC interference calculations that were not grouped properly when a passive repeater was included in the calculation.
- Changed the Case Detail report to show the passive repeater discrimination and the associated antenna model.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.54
Version 6.00.54 - October 8, 2024
- New methods for creating Multiband links by combining two or more existing .pl6 Link files.
- From the Transmission Analysis Window, select Operations - Multiband - Add Band - Import Link File. This will create the new band and add the equipment from the selected file. If the coordinates of the file being imported match the current link, the TX channels and environment data will be added as well.
- From the Network Window, Multiband files can be batch created by importing the Link File for the first band and then importing the next link file on top. Previously, this would have created overlapping links. Now, you will be prompted with the option to create multiband links instead. The link filenames in the network are updated to the newly created plz file. The pl6 link files used to create the plz file are unchanged. (Import Link Files into Pathloss 6 by selecting Files - Import Link File, or Ctrl+W or by dragging the link files on to the network window.)
- Changes to how Base Stations are included in interference calculations.
- Additional error checking in MDB interference calculations.
- New warning for conditions in an interference calculation where Filter Improvement is not calculated.
- Corrected problem when using Open for shared use where usernames were not being removed from the list of current users.
- Corrected problem when using Open for shared use where users may not receive notifications for latest revision.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.53
Version 6.00.53 - September 19, 2024
- Added a new diffraction algorithm, ITU-R P.526-15 - "Method for a General Terrestrial Path". This algorithm can be used to calculate diffraction loss for PTP, PTMP, Local and Area Studies. This option can be set in the Diffraction Parameters section of the Calculation options.
- Added "Clamp to Ground" option for the Google Earth KML export. This will output the sites and links with no elevation. This results in a logical network display in Google Earth with no parallax when viewing from altitude. This will also allow you to generate profiles for the links in Google Earth. The "ground path" line has been removed from the kmz export to reduce display clutter. The Export Dialog box has been updated to better reflect available options.
- Added extended error information for the automatic terrain download feature.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.52
Version 6.00.52 - September 10, 2024
- Corrected a bug in the ITU-R P.530 XPIC calculation. The previous calculation produced results that were more optimistic.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.51
Version 6.00.51 - August 29, 2024
- Added a new sub-menu under the main Help menu called Support Utilities. These commands allow the user to reset some or all the options to the default values. This is not normally required but is useful in cases where the option file has become corrupted. In both operations the changes are applied when Pathloss is restarted. (Downloaded Terrain, Background Maps and equipment data are not affected.)
- Reset Window Positions will reset the location and size of frame windows and grid controls when opened. This will also reset Grid Control column order and widths. This can be helpful if windows are not appearing on the screen.
- Reset All Options will reset all Pathloss options to the default "out of the box" settings.
- Corrected problem with reading certain projected GIS file formats that resulted in incorrect registration.
- Corrected problem exporting extender loss to the Version 5 format when there is no connector loss.
- Corrected problem with ATPC calculation that could result in negative ATPC values.
- Modified decimal precision output in some controls.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.50
Version 6.00.50 - August 12, 2024
- Transmission Analysis Window: New bands can be automatically designed using selected link design rules file. (Operations - Multiband - Add Band - Use Design File)
- Ordering of the rows in the Site List and Link List is now saved with the network
- Increased maximum zoom level of the network display when using tiled map backdrop.
- Site List CSV Export can now use the Selection as the scope.
- Corrected Operations - Edit-Modify Links bug that would cause existing calculation options including frequency to be overwritten regardless of the design rules settings.
- Fixed toolbar buttons becoming disabled at high zoom levels when not using Tiled Map Backdrop.
- Added ERP to Link Description in Google Earth Export.
- Automatic distance increment for profile generation has been updated to consider the resolution of the clutter databases.
- Added Text/CSV import to FCSA MICS export. The antenna and radio cross reference tables can now import data via Text/CSV.
- Fixed issues with FCSA MICS export.
- Fixed issue in the detailed interference report that showed TX Loss for passive repeaters. This value was already accounted for in the passive gain. It has been removed for clarity.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.49
Version 6.00.49 - July 4, 2024
- Base Stations now allow user definition of ACM modulation state and power settings. Previously, ACM radios added to a base station used all modulation states and the reference modulation state was set to the highest level. The user will now be prompted to set the modulation and power settings when the radio is imported. The reference modulation state results are used for studies and link design legends.
- PTMP Equipment Dialog:
- When adding an ACM Radio to the Base Station, the user will be prompted to add the same radio and configuration to the Remote side. (If a different radio is applied to the remote side, it should have the same number of modulation states as the radio at the base station.)
- Added two "TR" buttons (Base and Remote) to change the modulation and power settings for the respective radios.
- Added mouse hover tool tips for icon buttons.
- Added option to export the ATPC range in the Transmission Summary Detail reports. The option is called "ATPC Range" in the Report Formats - Common Fields section of the Program Options. The value is displayed in the report as part of the TX Channel Listing.
- Corrected passive interference bugs. Update Threshold Degradation and Remove Threshold Degradation operations now work with passive .plz files.
- Increased decimal precision in Interference Browser.
- Language and UI updates.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.48
Version 6.00.48 - June 11, 2024
- Selections of Sites and Links can now be deleted. Right click on a site or link that is part of a selection and select Delete Site (or Link). You will be prompted to delete the selection. Removed sites will also remove any connected links. Links with an associated .pl6 link file that are removed will prompt to delete or keep the file on disc.
- Export to Google Earth now uses the Link Legend color and thickness for links with the legend applied. The default thickness of the exported google earth link line (no legend) was increased slightly.
- Fixed problem generating profiles using clutter databases NALC30 and CGLC100.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.47
Version 6.00.47 - June 7, 2024
- RTF reports that include the network display will now show the colors and labels for links that have a Link Legend applied. In addition, the map or satellite backdrop is now also included in the network display picture. Disabling the map backdrop entirely will draw the network as vectors rather than a bitmap in the report.
- Fixed problem when using ASTER data that could cause sea level to be treated as No Data.
- Corrected problem in CSV Link Text Import that caused TX Channels to be assigned to the wrong side of the link.
- Fixed Local and Area studies crash when changing clutter.
- Prevent Area Study Crash when unable to allocate enough memory.
- Edit Modify Links operations now applies a Link Legend to completed links rather than changing the link color.
- Small UI improvements to Design Links and Finalize Links dialogs related to the previous update.
- Language corrections.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.46
Version 6.00.46 - May 28, 2024
- Automatic Link Design operations now allow the creation of Multiband Link files.
Create PTP, Create PTMP, and Design Links better handle matching link filenames during link finalization and allow the user to decide how to proceed. The options are: Overwrite existing link, Create unique link filename, or Add to the existing link as a new band. The network link is added or updated as needed.
In this way, multiband files can be created by successive use of any of the design operations. Link Design Rules would be set corresponding to the band being designed. (This is similar to the method used for csv text link import.) - Design Links now works on links with or without associated link files. When finalizing links, existing links are resolved using the above method.
- Many improvements to the UI and operation of the Link Design Dialogs when creating and finalizing links.
- Finalize Links option "Retain link color legend" has been replaced with "Apply Legend to Finalized Links". When finalizing the links, the color of the link itself is no longer modified. Instead, if selected, a Link Legend will be applied to the link once complete. This legend can be removed or refreshed using the system described below.
- Added a Link Legend system which can display links as color coded lines in a customizable, uniform style. The links can be color coded according to the same display criteria used in the link designer (more options coming soon). Link labels show the values of the selected criteria. Data is refreshed from links files whenever the legend is applied. Multiband links are displayed as parallel lines, each with their own color. The legend can be removed at any time and the underlying link attributes are not affected.
See: Define Link Legend help topic for full details. - Link Legend Dialog: Click Operations - Define Link Legend or Ctrl-B to open the Link Legend Dialog. This dialog allows you to set the display criteria, customize the legend appearance, apply a Link Legend to any group of links, and determine the behavior of the Link Legend toolbar button.
- Added a new Link Legend toolbar button that will perform a user-defined defined action, This can be set to either to show the dialog, or to clear and refresh the legend for a Group of Links or All Links. This setting is saved with the network file.
- View Legend Data. You can left click on a link with a legend and select "Show Legend Data" to view all parameter and calculation data from the last time the legend was refreshed. Data for Multiband link bands can be cycled through using the controls or arrow keys.
- Transmission Line Loss changes: Changing the frequency will now automatically update the Loss per Unit Length value. (Possibly changing the TX Line Loss if a length has been entered.) This applies to links, base stations, and design rules definitions but only if the TX Line Model was added using the TX Line Index.
- Fixed bug in Link Text Import routine, that would always create links in the TXRXDR antenna configuration.
- Check for valid antenna heights when creating passive.
- Ctrl keyboard key no longer toggles to the Pan tool.
- Fixed memory leak
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.45
Version 6.00.45 - April 29, 2024
- Fixed bug that did not use correct units for antenna diameter for near field passive calculation.
- Fixed bug that could cause a crash when checking the programs license usage with a large number of users.
- Fixed bug that would incorrectly prompt user to select license type when starting the program.
- Fixed bug when using Google Earth export on passive repeater links that would cause the position of the link lines and Fresnel zones to be incorrect.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.44
Version 6.00.44 - April 11, 2024
- Removed limitation when adding radios with with a different Application (Microwave, Adaptive Modulation, or Land Mobile) than the current setting of the link or design rules file. The application setting of the link (or design rule file) will now be automatically switched to the matching application of the radio that is added from the Radio Index.
- User will now be prompted to enable Co-Channel (XPIC) operation when adding a radio file from the index that is marked as "Use Co-Channel". This applies when adding radios to links or design rules files.
- Added "Assigned Antenna Height" column to the Site List. This value can be used to apply fixed antenna heights on a site by site basis when creating links using Automatic Link Design Rules.
- Minimum antenna height is now only considered when calculating antenna heights. When automatic link design rules are used to apply fixed antenna heights, the minimum antenna height will be lowered automatically if necessary. This prevents the erroneous "Antenna height less than building height" error message.
- Fixed clutter display problem on links with a low number of profile points.
- Fixed crash when reading radio files with long descriptions.
- Prevented the possibility of very high discrimination values appearing when there is an error reading an antenna data file.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.43
Version 6.00.43 - February 27, 2024
- Managed Category Clutter data sets (NLCD, NACL30, and CGLC100) now have user editable definition tables. These can be used to set the heights for individual clutter categories. Click the Edit Clutter Definition button in the Startup and Defaults section of the Program Options Dialog to access the table. These tables are saved automatically and used for all profile generation that uses the managed clutter.
- Added a map scale to the network display. If the geographic grid is enabled, the size of the grid in linear units is shown in the status bar. If the geographic grid is disabled, the map scale is displayed in the lower right of the map.
- New links are created with antennas at the minimum height rather than zero. This prevents unnecessary Save and "Revise antenna height" prompts when changing modules or closing the window.
- Minimum Antenna Height, as set in the Default Calculation Options - Clearance Criteria section, was not being saved and would always be default on program start.
- Corrected issue where adding a new band via template could cause the template to be applied to the current band as well.
- Added Use Clutter 2 Heights option to PTP and PTMP auto link designers.
- Fixed a bug when manually configuring GIS settings in the GIS Setup Dialog. When importing a GDAL Supported Format in both the BIL Geographic DEM or BIL Projected DEM indexes, the Float64 format was not supported.
- Reverted reflective plane report to intended style. Also fixed problem of colors not being shown in some cases.
- Fixed crash when generating an Area Study with the C/I display criteria.
- Fixed potential crash when importing passive links in to the network.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.42
Version 6.00.42 - January 31, 2024
- Modified ITU space diversity method so that if the space diversity improvement factor is calculated to be less than 1, it is set to 1 and the calculation is treated the same as non-space diversity.
- Increased precision of iterative critical rain rate calculation from 0.05 to 0.001.
- Corrected a crash that would occur when creating Area Studies if any base stations were completely excluded from the study area due to the Max Path Length setting.
- Corrected problem when using certain characters in the kmz filename when exporting to Google Earth.
- Minimum foreground clearance criteria was not being considered in the Antenna module Clearance Report.
- Added latitude and longitude in decimal format when viewing Clearance Details at the selected point in the Antenna Heights module.
- Language in interference cross-reference report made slightly more verbose.
- Fixed duplicate row and missing row in transmission detail report regarding Diversity RX Signal at reference locations.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.41
Version 6.00.41 - January 17, 2024
- Changed method for drawing category clutter on all profile displays to provide a cleaner and easier to read display.
- Fixed a problem with profile drawing where clutter would not be drawn if the K values for 1st and 2nd clearance criteria ware equal.
- Added option to view the "RX Signal and RX Threshold at the Receiver Input Port". This option is found under the Common Fields section of the Program Options.
- Added "Base (1+0) RX ACU Loss" and "RX Threshold at Receiver Input Port" entries to in the Radio worksheet. (These values are only shown if the above reporting option is enabled.)
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.40
Version 6.00.40 - December 12, 2023
- Added a new Managed Clutter option, NALC30 (North American Land Cover, 2020 (Landsat, 30m)). This "description only" clutter has a resolution of 1" and can be automatically downloaded for Canada, USA and Mexico.
- New mirrors for downloading SRTM, NLCD and NALC30 data.
- Fixed 2 problems related to automatic link design using Adaptive Modulation radios.
- The 'TR' button in the link design rules radio worksheet now displays the ACM parameters correctly and no longer returns "ACM data not OK"
- The Availability display criteria for PTP and PTMP design now works with ACM radios. Links will be colored according to the availability of the reference modulation state.
- Added Miscellaneous Loss to the ACU section of the link design rules for PTP and PTMP link creation.
- Performance report can now be generated for Selections or for All Links. A group is no longer required.
- Adding a Structure from the network display using "Add Structure at Location" will now overwrite existing clutter at that profile point.
- Site and Link visibility is now updated when changing group membership from the network display or Site/Link List. In addition, changing groups in this way now triggers a prompt to save when closing the network.
- The Link Window Antenna Heights module will now prompt to revise and save antenna heights (if changed) when closing the window.
- Corrected problems drawing clutter on the profile in Antenna Heights module when using two clearance criteria.
- Removed "no reflections" as an option from the Constant Gradient Ray Trace.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.39
Version 6.00.39 - December 4, 2023
- Entering duplicate site coordinates in the Site List will now show a prompt listing the row of the first duplicate and confirming the creation of an overlapping site. Site Text import behavior has also changed slightly. Overlapping sites are never created when importing sites from a text file, but overlapping sites will be created by default when importing base stations from a text file. Call Sign is no longer considered when creating overlapping sites.
- Assign Frequencies now allows you to set the high frequency site on multiple chains or clusters of links and assign channels to all the links in at once.
- Fixed crash in Assign Frequencies operation when setting the Design frequency and polarization.
- Updated the Hi-Lo violation report to identify high channels using the prime symbol: '`'. A channel is now identified as high if the last character is a 'h', 'H', or '`'. Otherwise, the channel is identified as low.
- Added support for the EPSG:2056 - Swiss CH1903+ / LV95 projected coordinate system for Liechtenstein; Switzerland. This is included in the European Coordinate Systems category.
- Terrain roughness calculation window - Fixed a mismatch in the in the selection of "Central 80% of profile" or "Terrain intervisible from endpoints".
- Fixed Link Text Import bug that improperly handled rows with different numbers of TX channels.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.38
Version 6.00.38 - November 9, 2023
- Fixed issue where the Extender Loss would be added to the Connector Loss if a link file is saved and not closed.
- Improved Google Earth Site Import is now more robust and can import from kmz files.
- Changed Diffraction Loss Options and Pathloss Parameters to be consistent between menu and options dialog.
- Fixed crash that occurred when downloading terrain data to a sleeping mapped drive.
- Other language UI adjustments.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.37
Version 6.00.37 - October 31, 2023
- KML Export now renders the fresnel zone much closer to the site. If the antenna diameter is provided, the fresnel zone will start at the calculated far-field distance from that antenna. Otherwise the fresnel zone will start at the smaller of 200m or 5% of path length from the site.
- Fixed problems generating studies and KML exports related to Site Names with illegal filename characters.
- Fixed "Limit to Nearest Number of Sites" in Create P2P links.
- Vector building footprint clutter can now be used in combination with raster clutter databases. Clutter from raster databases will be applied to profile areas that are not part of a building.
- Added outputs to show TX Power, RX Signal and Diversity RX Signal at Top of Rack reference location. This option is enabled in the Common Report Fields section of the Program Options. When the option is enabled, the TX Lines worksheet will show this location where the power levels are reported between the Connector and Extender. These values can also be exported in the csv report.
- ITU rain calculation on poorly performing paths would flag a warning but also limit the results to a 99% availability minimum. The calculation will now display the calculated availability along with the warning.
- The slant path length is now updated when antenna heights are changed. The slant path length is displayed to 3 decimal places.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.36
Version 6.00.36 - October 17, 2023
- Pathloss 6 Network files are now saved in the .gr6 format. This simplifies and safeguards the migration process as existing Version 5 .gr5 files can no longer be overwritten by Version 6.
- Added option to display the TX power level and RX signal at the ACU Antenna port. This option is enabled in the Report Formats - Common Fields section in the Program Options dialog. The option is called TX Power and RX Signal at ACU. Enabling this for the Transmission Detail report will also show these values on the main Transmission Analysis display. These results can also be added as columns to the CSV report.
- Added Extender Loss to the Transmission Line worksheet. This is a new value that can be used for additional loss on the TX line. It is reported in the rtf, csv, and kml export. If a link is exported or opened in a version of Pathloss 6 older than 6.00.36, the extender loss will be included in the connector loss figure.
- Google Earth export now displays a new line for each link showing the path along the ground below the link. This line can also be used to generate the profile in google earth. (Right click on the line, then select Show Elevation Profile).
- Please note that changes made in this update require the program to be deactivated and reactivated. The deactivation is automatically performed. An activation will be required on the next program startup.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.35
Version 6.00.35 - October 2, 2023
- Area Studies have been implemented.
- Area Studies have been updated to work with tiled map backdrop projection, DirectX rendering, and Google Earth export.
- The area study region can be defined as a polygon, rectangle or ellipse and can contain results from any group of base stations. Existing studies are now hidden while defining area.
- While defining a polygon, the display can be zoomed using the mouse-wheel or panned using Ctrl-Left click.
- Guidelines now shown when defining rectangle and ellipse.
- Updated dialog box layout and added outputs for study extents.
- Improved progress bar and study cancel behavior.
- Extents-Layers broken into separate operations and dialogs. The View menu now has an item for both Network Extents and Layers and Transparency. The Layers and Transparency dialog can also be opened with Ctrl-T.
- Added file count and error reporting to automatic DEM download dialog.
- Fixed crash that occurred when prompted to close the Link Window before performing a network operation and the Link Window is closed before the message prompt. Now, if the Link window is closed before the message prompt, the network operation will continue.
- Radio and Antenna cross reference table fix.
- Moved the Study Details menu items from the View menu to the respective Study menus.
- Fixed bug that would not allow deactivation on a remote desktop.
- Fixed memory leak.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.34
Version 6.00.34 - August 31, 2023
- NED 1" terrain data format has been changed to use the latest GeoTIFF sources.
- Added functionality allowing users to selectively delete the managed terrain data caches.
- Added display to show the managed terrain data cache size.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.33
Version 6.00.33 - August 8, 2023
- CSV Link Import: Improved file handling and Multiband .plz creation. See: Import Links From a Text File
- There is a new dialog to handle filename collisions during CSV Link Import. The program lists what type of file exists (.pl6 or .plz) and allows you to select how to resolve the conflict: Overwrite, Overlap, Multiband or Skip.
- The Overlap option works the same as the functionality introduced in 6.00.31 but now allows the user to customize the suffix that will be added to the link filename. (The checkbox U/I that was added in 6.00.31 has been removed.)
- The Multiband option will either combine the incoming row with an existing .pl6 file (possibly created earlier in the same import) to create a dual band .plz file (replacing the .pl6 file). Or, if a .plz file exists, the incoming row will be added to it as another band.
- The Overwrite option will save the link as a .pl6 file and remove the existing .pl6 or .plz file.
- Network Find Operation (Ctrl+F) now has the option to create a selection from the found site or link.
- Fixed problem preventing the design frequency from being set to Vertical when exiting the Channel Table.
- Channel Table will remember the frequency plan scroll location when closing and opening.
- Added Keyboard Accelerator to toggle vectors (Ctrl+4) and to select the Map Backdrop Style (Ctr+7 - Terrain, Ctrl+8 - Street, Ctrl+9 - Satellite)
- Main Toolbar buttons no longer greyed out when window does not have focus.
- Fixed bug preventing Ctrl-clicking in the leftmost column from properly selecting multiple rows in Site List and Link List.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.32
Version 6.00.32 - July 25, 2023
- Holding the [S] key while on the Network Display will swap from the Link Cursor to the Selection Cursor for as long as it is held.
- Added "Move / Rename Link File" to the network right click menu and to the Link List menu. This operation will allow you to rename or move the link file (.pl6, .plz, .pl5) on disk. The network is updated with the new file location.
- Site and Link Thematics can now be changed via the network right click popup menus.
- Reorganized Site List and Link List menus and added keyboard shortcuts for most operations.
- Added an "Erase All" button to clear every cell in the ACU and TX Lines Worksheets. (Crtl-Delete is the keyboard shortcut.)
- Changed to how selections operate in grid controls (Site List, Link List) so that a selection can be removed by left clicking on it.
- Added Help Button To Link Text Import Dialog.
- Fixed Crash when entering Antenna Height TX Lines section in the PTMP link design rules.
- Added the datum EPSG 3163 RGNC91-93 / Lambert New Caledonia to the GIS options.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.31
Version 6.00.31 - July 14, 2023
- There is now a prompt to update the design frequency, if required, when exiting the channel table in Transmission Analysis module. The design frequency will be set to the average of all TX channel frequencies. The design polarization will be set to Vertical if all TX channels are Vertical or to Horizontal if any TX channel is set to Horizontal.
- Added option to use the ITU Minimum K value in the link design rules and as a default option for new links.
- Radio and Antenna Indexes: The Frequency Lo and Frequency High filters are automatically populated with the design frequency when opening from the Transmission Analysis and PTP Design windows. The keyboard focus is also set to the Frequency Low edit control on entry.
- The Site List function "Update Link Files" now updates the Link ID as well. The operation should be run after changing Link IDs from the Link List to save the .pl6 Link Files with the new ID.
- Link Text Import: There is a new option available on the last panel of the import dialog: "Add to Network as Overlapping Links". When this option is enabled, a new Link File will be created for every row in the csv. All links will be added to the network including overlapping links. Existing files will not be overwritten. Numeric suffixes "_N" will be added to the generated filenames as needed to prevent any conflict with existing files. This can used to create a new network with overlapping links or add different link revisions to an existing network.
- Link Text Import: Antenna parameter columns can now be assigned to both Site 1 and 2.
- CSV Link Report: Modulation state availability columns are now populated to 5 decimal precision. NOTE: If you are working with an existing column definition file, the [MS] Availability columns will need to be removed and then added back (usgin the Column Definition Dialog) to apply the higher precision.
- Export Link Files to Version 5 format: The Yes-to-All and No-to-All buttons now work properly in the overwrite file prompt.
- Fix crash in Transmission Detail and Summary reports when using the non-table style.
- Fixed bug in Terrain Data report where azimuths were reported in DMS instead of decimal degrees.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.30
Version 6.00.30 - July 4, 2023
- Added Water Vapor Density, Atmospheric Temperature and Atmospheric Pressure to the Transmission Details and Transmission Summary Report. This option is found in Configure - Options - Program Options in the Common Fields section. The values are output on one line and also lists the source of the parameters (User, ITU_Min, ITU_Avg, or ITU_Max)
- Also added the above atmospheric parameters to the CSV Report. These values are found in the Link Data section.
- Legends are now sized properly and will tile vertically on the display.
- Fixed problems with control panels not showing in some windows (Reflection Variable and Program Options)
- Also corrected scrolling problems on these control panel windows.
- Fixed some display bugs with the Days:Hours:Mins:Seconds format.
- Small fixes to Carrier Aggregation output.
- Frequency Assignment operation now allows you add both H and V polarizations for the same channel
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.29
Version 6.00.29 - June 8, 2023
- Added the option to report the Time in Mode value in Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds format (DDD:HH:MM:SS.SS). This value is shown in the adaptive modulation table in the Transmission Analysis module. The option to toggle this is in the Program Options Window (Configure - Options - Program Options) under the Adaptive Modulation Reports section.
- Right clicking on a Site or Link and selecting Group Membership will now display a dialog that shows all groups and allows you to change the memberships of the Site or Link.
- When right clicking on a Site or Link site that is part of a Selection, the Group Membership operation will now allow you to add or remove the Selection from a group or create a new group from the Selection.
- NEW Google Earth Import allows you to import sites from .kml files created in Google Earth using placemarks. See Define Link Legend
- Fixed problem in the Google Earth Export that displayed the fresnel zone as too large.
- Fixed crash when Finalizing Links from Route Manager.
- Fixed memory leak when generating performance report.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.28
Version 6.00.28 - May 17, 2023
- Implemented improved drawing routines using Direct2D for custom backdrop imagery. Custom backdrops can now be configured in the GIS Setup Dialog using the same formats and methods as version 5. (Integration with GDAL will be part of a future update to support all major formats.) Custom backdrop imagery is only displayed if the tiled map system is turned off.
- Antenna and Radio Indexes: The import Folders and Sub-folders operation is now case insensitive with respect to file extensions.
- The Interference Calculation now shows a results dialog window when complete and will automatically show errors if there are any.
- Improved visualization of interference path when using the Interference Case Browser.
- Entries in the TX Lines index can now be removed by pressing Delete or Ctrl-Y.
- Fixed behavior causing the Antenna Index to only show the first word of the manufacturer. (re-import required)
- Fixed bug in Antenna Index that could display an incorrect value for Diameter when using miles-feet.
- Slight change to window layer ordering in the Transmission Analysis window.
- Fixed 2 memory leaks.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.27
Version 6.00.27 - April 26, 2023
- All Auto Link Creation Dialogs now allow rejection based on a maximum number of links per site. Excess links are rejected based on user selectable criteria. This operation is especially useful in combination with batch PTMP link creation, allowing the user to easily connect every remote to its best possible base station. This can quickly determine connectivity across a large number of base stations and remotes.
- Fixed vertical and horizontal scrollbar operation in all option dialog windows.
- Added RX Signal as a criteria to the "Limit Number of Links" operation described above.
- Fixed issue with the program appearing to hang while creating PTP or PTMP links using the designer. The window now remains functional, and the operation can be canceled by pressing the X in the status bar.
- Fixed problem exporting to Pathloss 5. When the space diversity method is set to ITU-R P.530-17 in Pathloss 6, the space diversity and frequency diversity methods are undefined in the exported file.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.26
Version 6.00.26 - April 13, 2023
- Fix to handling of Managed DEM and Managed Clutter when working with .p6g files. The managed mode will be applied when a .p6g file is loaded and remains in that mode until another file is loaded or it is changed by the user. Loading a .p5g file will turn the managed systems off. They can be turned on again from the menu or the program options.
- Added RX Signal to the CSV report output when using any of the Auto Link Design operations.
- Edit - Modify dialog has been updated to work with PTMP links with additional control over calculation options.
- User interface updates to the Smooth profile dialog box in the Specular Reflections Module.
- Fix bug when using assigned antenna height in link design rules where the value would be applied in meters rather than feet.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.25
Version 6.00.25 - March 13, 2023
- Clutter on profiles can now be generated by combining the category and description from the Clutter 1 database with heights from the Clutter 2 database. Please see Combining Clutter Height and Clutter Type
- Carrier Aggregation: Low occurrence, or uncommon, combinations will now be grouped with the next lower common combination. This removes clutter and increases readability of results. These uncommon combinations can be listed or hidden in the report. Some options and controls have changed to reflect this. See Settings Section in: Multiband
- Carrier Aggregation: The details panel and the reports have been reworked and simplified. Time is now displayed in a readable format rather than the percentage of the year.
- Added RX Signal as a rejection criterion for all auto link creation operation.
- Route Master added 'path length' as a design metric.
- Changed default Local Study and Auto Link design colors for better clarity.
- Sites and Links on the display are now highlighted more specifically depending on the operation being performed. For example, only base station sites will be highlighted when working with a base station operation.
- Added new sources to Terrain Data Sources
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.24
Version 6.00.24 - February 7, 2023
- TX Channels Dialog will now display frequencies and other floating point numbers with maximum precision.
- Google Earth export now exports plz multiband links. Improved link organization within the kml data.
- Google Earth export now includes the TX Line data as part of the link description.
- Fixed crash when opening the rain dialog with a rain file loaded.
- Fix for using long clutter descriptions in terrain data listing.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.23
Version 6.00.23 - February 3, 2023
- Copernicus Global Land Cover data has been added to the automatic GIS download options. This provides 100m resolution clutter data for the world. Terrain Data Sources
- Added support for ERDAS IMG formatted terrain data.
- RTF reports support for multiband link files. Transmission Detail and Summary reports now output the results of all bands. (For the time being, the format is unchanged and the bands are separated by page breaks.) The composite reports dialog will now work with .plz files including multiband designs.
- Fixed RDS activation bug.
- Fixed window sizing issues
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.22
Version 6.00.22 - January 17, 2023
Complete release notes are available at: Version 6.00.22
- Added Batch PTMP Create operation to design PTMP Links from multiple base stations to mobile groups in one operation.
- Updated Antenna & TX-Lines Design Rules dialog when working with PTMP and PTP Auto Design.
- Assigned Antenna Height can now be used as an antenna height method in the PTMP Auto Link Designer.
- Added Offline help
- Language and Bug Fixes
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.21
Version 6.00.21 - November 23, 2022
- Support for multi-monitor displays. Frame windows will now remember their last position across monitors. Other windows and dialog boxes will be positioned relative to their parent window.
- Carrier Aggregation and Refractivity Gradient - K Reference dialog layouts modified to better fit smaller displays.
- Fixed y-axis scaling in the Refractivity Gradient - K Reference dialog.
- Fixed ITU 530-8 Percent of time dN/dh dialog window.
- Fixed ASTER download problem for latitudes between 10N and 9S.
- Added Ctrl-G keyboard shortcut to open the Group Manager dialog.
- Added a draggable title bar to measure distance tool results dialog.
- Fixed crash in diffraction module when manually defining isolated obstacle radius.
- Fixed crash when entering power in an adaptive modulation radio data entry form.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.20
Version 6.00.20 - November 9, 2022
- USGS NED 1/3" has been added to the automatic terrain data download. This data covers the entire USA.
- ASTER Global 1" DEM has been added to the automatic terrain data download. This data covers the world from 83 degrees north to 83 degrees south, more at .
- All network drawing operations now implemented in Direct2D for increased performance and future improvements.
- Correction to Local Studies showing incorrect antenna pattern when using non-tiled maps display.
- Fixed Transmission Detail Report bug which was outputting bad data for channel assignments.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.19
Version 6.00.19 - November 3, 2022
- Ongoing improvements to network drawing efficiency.
- Fixed bug that would cause a muitiband plz file to open incorrectly if it was saved while on a band other than Band 1.
- Fixed Google Earth export bug that failed on links with channels.
- Small change to local studies to reduce the required number of profile calculations.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.18
Version 6.00.18 - October 25, 2022
Complete release notes are available at: Version 6.00.18
- CSV Report - Column Definition File (cv5) Format Correction. IMPORTANT: Column definition files (cv5) created with earlier versions of Pathloss 6 must be updated or recreated. Please see complete release notes for details.
- Network RTF Reports and Copy operation now work when using Tiled Map Backdrop
- Extents are now shown correctly in the Extents and Layers dialog box when using Tiled Map Backdrop.
- Network display will no longer zoom to the extents when exiting Site List, Link List, Display Options, GIS Configuration Options, etc.
- Fix to RTF profile drawing problem causing hatch fill to be drawn in the wrong location.
- Corrected problem when exporting to Version 5 link files. (Bug was introduced with changes in 6.00.16)
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.17
Version 6.00.17 - October 14, 2022
Complete release notes are available at: Version 6.00.17
- Update to antenna discrimination algorithm from TIA-10 (TIA TR45 Working Group).
- ITU 530-8 dN/dh now defaults to worst month when selecting manually.
- Fixed crash when generating a CSV Link Report which includes channel table table entries.
- Fixed crash when selecting multipath algorithm options.
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.16
Version 6.00.16 - October 5, 2022
Complete release notes are available at: Version 6.00.16
- Pathloss Link Files now support an unlimited number of channel frequencies!
- New user interface integrating channel assignment and frequency plan.
- New options for Edit-Modify in the auto link design.
- Support for FCSA MICS Flat File generation has been added.
- Added column for Diameter to the Antenna Index.
- Added "Filename" to csv export, which exports the full path of the .pl* link file.
- Fixed bug that would prevent Pathloss from starting.
- Tweaks and Fixes
Pathloss 6 - Version 6.00.15
Version 6.00.15 - September 2, 2022
Complete release notes are available at: Version 6.00.15
- Apply Link Template updated to work with Multiband Links
- Keyboard Shortcut Rework for Link Window
- Simplified the Terrain Auto download menus and options
- Single site interference bezier line drawing fixed
- Window sizing changes
- Improved Local Study Progress Bar
- Language changes
- Additional fixes and corrections
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.14
Version 6.00.14 - August 22, 2022
- Changes to SRTM server
- Fix for displaying tiled map backdrop in a shared environment
- Fixed problem which could cause incorrect map tiles to be downloaded. If you are seeing incorrect tiles after update, right click and select Refresh Map Tile or use the method below.
- Added Operation to delete locally cached map tile images for the current style: Configure - GIS System - Network Display - Map Operations - Delete Cached Map Tiles.
- Fixed bug which could cause left click to behave as if it clicked on a site name when nothing is there.
- Additional fixes and corrections
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.13
Version 6.00.13 - July 27, 2022
- Dynamic coordinate grid when using Tiled Maps. This can be toggled from the Network Display Options menu or from the new toolbar button.
- Bug fix for crash when closing the Vigants Barnett Fade Probability dialog window.
- Bug fix for MRU loading in the Link window.
- Big fix for changes that prevented second instances from starting.
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.12
Version 6.00.12 - July 26, 2022
- Network Site and Link painting now uses direct draw for performance improvements.
- Added optimizations for drawing large networks with many elements.
- ITU-R P.835-6 atmospheric data available with all fade methods
- ITU-R P.530-18 now uses the limits for the regression parameters
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.11
Version 6.00.11 - July 14, 2022
- Repackaged ITU 835-6 data for smaller setup file
- Bug fix - new antenna discrimination routine returned NAN at boresight
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.10
Version 6.00.10 - July 5, 2022
- Support for GeoJSON Vector Formats and Tiled Vector Building Data
- New 3D Antenna Discrimination Formulas
- Local Studies Initial Rework
- FCC ULS Database Integration
Complete release notes are available at Version 6.00.10 - Pre-release
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.09
Version 6.00.09 - June 6, 2022
- Support for GeoTIFF Raster DEM Files Using GDAL
- Support for Terrain Data Download Through a Proxy Server
- User Selectable GIS Directory
- Versioning System Changes
- Improved Error and Warning Messages
- New GIS Tiles
- Bug Fixes
Complete release notes are available at Version 6.00.09 - Pre-release
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.08
Version 6.00.08 - April 25, 2022
- Updated to latest version of Microsoft software development platform.
- Correction to export .pl5 routine that could cause an incorrect export if done from the link window with multiband files.
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.07
Version 6.00.07 - April 12, 2022
- Add Range in Design Links
- Add Structures to Links from Network Window
- Export To Version 5 .PL5 Format
- Export to FCSA MICS Flat File
- ITU-R P.835-6 Atmospheric Data
- ITU-R P.530-18 Fade Factor Warning
- Bug fixes
Complete release notes are available at Version 6.00.07 - Pre-release
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.06
Version 6.00.06 - March 1, 2022
- Integrated GDAL GIS Library
- User Link ID Value Added to Networks and Links
- Link Text CSV Export Improvements
- Vector System Rework
- Added Remote Desktop Operation for Windows Server 2012 and newer.
- Bug Fixes
Complete release notes are available at Version 6.00.06 - Pre-release
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.05
Version 6.00.05 - January 7, 2022
- Removed Browse for Folder Dialog
- Child Window Keyboard Control and UI
- Text Import Dialogs
- New Link Design Rules File Extension (.ld6)
- Multiband and Carrier Aggregation XPIC fix
- Network Window Toolbar
- Download Update Streamlining
- Minimum K Operation in Clearance Criteria Dialog
- ITU P.530-8 calculates correctly when using Edit-Modify Links
Complete release notes are available at Version 6.00.05 - Pre-release
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.04
Version 6.00.04 - December 23, 2021
- Removed lower path length limit for ITU P530-17/18 fade calculation. This was used in program testing
- Removed XPIC threshold degradation that was introduced in version 6.00.02
- Fixed file associations in the installer
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.03
Version 6.00.03 - December 21, 2021
- Fixed bug with design frequency when using multi-band
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.02
Version 6.00.02 - December 20, 2021
- Changes to ITU P.530 XPIC calculation
- Fixed bug that caused ITU P.530-18 data files to be read incorrectly
- Fixed bug that prevented adding bands to a multi-band link
- Fixed handling of UTC8 characters in paths and filenames
- Cosmetic and language changes
Complete release notes are available at December 21st - Pre-release
Pathloss 6 Pre-release - Version 6.00.01
Version 6.00.01 - December 8, 2021
- Added ITU-R P.530-18
- Added ITU-R P.530 XPIC calculation
- Fixed ITU.R 837-7 Rain database
- Introduced PL6 file format
- PLZ format is now used for passive repeater designs
Introduce Network Window Keyboard Accelerators
Complete release notes are available at December 8th - Pre-release
Pathloss 6 Initial Pre-release - Version 6.00.00
Version 6.00.00 - November 12, 2021